Shiranian Dog: A Comprehensive Guide to Breed Traits and Care

The Shiranian dog, a delightful mix of Shih Tzu and Pomeranian, has gained popularity as a designer breed due to its charming appearance and affectionate temperament. This small, toy-sized dog brings together the best qualities of both parent breeds, making it a perfect companion for singles, families, and seniors alike.


Despite its petite size, the Shiranian is full of energy and enjoys playtime, making it an entertaining addition to any household. As a hybrid breed, the Shiranian inherits physical and personality traits from both its Shih Tzu and Pomeranian lineage. These dogs are low-shedding, and they require regular grooming to maintain their beautiful coats.

Key Takeaways

  • The Shiranian dog is a delightful mix of Shih Tzu and Pomeranian breeds, known for its charming appearance and affectionate temperament
  • This small-sized companion dog has a lively and playful nature, suited for singles, families, and seniors
  • Regular grooming is crucial to maintain the low-shedding coat of the Shiranian.

Origin and History

The Shiranian, also known as Pomshi, Shih-Pom, Shih-A-Pom, or Pom-Tzu, is a designer dog breed that is a mix between a Pomeranian and a Shih Tzu. As a mixed breed, the Shiranian combines the best qualities of both its parent breeds to create a lively, friendly, and adorable companion dog.

Designer dog breeds have gained popularity in recent years, but the exact origin and history of the Shiranian remains largely unknown. The parent breeds, however, have well-documented histories. The Pomeranian is a small, spitz-type dog originally from the Pomerania region, which is now part of Poland and Germany. Pomeranians have been popular pets for centuries, keeping company with royals and commoners alike.

On the other hand, the Shih Tzu has a rich and ancient history dating back more than 1,000 years. The breed originated in Tibet, where they were highly revered and considered as a cherished companion to Chinese emperors. Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate, friendly, and confident nature, making them excellent companions in various settings.

The Shiranian, as a crossbreed between these two established breeds, inherits a mix of their temperaments and physical characteristics, resulting in a small-sized dog with a charming personality. With its lovable nature, the Shiranian has quickly become a favorite among dog lovers seeking an affectionate and playful companion.

Despite its relatively recent appearance as a designer breed, the Shiranian has found its place as a beloved pet among families, children, and seniors alike. Thanks to its parent breeds, the Shiranian exhibits a combination of warmth, playfulness, and loyalty, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a small, loving companion.

Appearance and Size

The Shiranian dog is a small yet adorable mixed breed, resulting from a cross between the Shih Tzu and Pomeranian breeds. These dogs inherit some of the best qualities from both their parents, making them popular companion pets.

When it comes to size, Shiranians typically stand at 7 to 12 inches tall, with some variations depending on the genetic makeup of the individual dog. They have a weight range of 4 to 16 pounds. Their petite stature makes them suitable for living spaces of various sizes, from apartments to houses with or without yards.

The coat of a Shiranian dog is one of its most attractive features. Depending on the specific mix of Shih Tzu and Pomeranian in a Shiranian, the coat can vary in length. Nonetheless, their fur is generally soft, fluffy, and quite dense. Regular grooming is essential to maintain their coat’s appearance and minimize shedding.

As for the color of their coats, Shiranians exhibit a high degree of variety, adding to their unique charm. Common coat colors include:

  • Chocolate: A deep, rich brown hue
  • Black: Solid black or black mixed with other colors
  • Red: Ranges from a deep rust to a lighter shade of red
  • Sable: A mix of colors with darker tips, often including black, brown, and red hues
  • Orange: A bright, warm shade that can be solid or mixed with other colors

Other colors that can appear in the Shiranian breed include brindle and multicolor patterns. It’s worth noting that the specific coat color of a Shiranian puppy may change as it matures.


Energy Levels

Shiranians are generally friendly and playful dogs, making them a great choice for families with children and other pets. They have a moderate energy level, which means they are not overly active but will still require regular walks and playtime to remain happy and healthy.


Shiranians are intelligent dogs, a trait they inherit from both their Pomeranian and Shih Tzu parent breeds. They are quick learners and enjoy engaging in activities that challenge their minds. These dogs are best suited for people who can spend time training and stimulating them mentally.

Affectionate With Families

Calm and gentle by nature, Shiranians are known for being affectionate with their families. They often form a strong bond with their owners, making them a perfect companion for someone looking for a close friend. However, keep in mind that they may become overly attached and suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long. Thus, they do well with owners who can be home and spend time with them.

Compatibility With Children and Other Pets

Shiranians are generally good with children, but their small size can make them vulnerable to injury during rough play. It’s important to teach kids how to interact with these dogs safely and respectfully. Likewise, these dogs can get along well with other pets, including cats and other dogs. However, each Shiranian may vary in temperament, so it’s essential to introduce them to new pets slowly and supervise their interactions to ensure harmony in the household.

Health Issues

Shiranians, a crossbreed between Shih Tzu and Pomeranian dogs, are generally healthy but like any other breed, they may be prone to certain health issues. In this section, we will discuss hip dysplasia and separation anxiety as two common health concerns for Shiranians.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition affecting the hip joint, where the thigh bone does not fit properly into the hip socket. This abnormality can lead to arthritis and pain, affecting the dog’s mobility. While hip dysplasia is more common in larger dog breeds, it can also affect small breeds like Shiranians. To reduce the risk of hip dysplasia in your Shiranian:

  • Provide a healthy diet to maintain an appropriate weight
  • Engage in moderate exercise, avoiding activities that may cause excessive strain on the joints
  • Regularly visit your veterinarian for check-ups and advice

Separation Anxiety

Due to their affectionate and social nature, Shiranians can suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods. This can lead to destructive behaviors and increased stress for the dog. To help manage separation anxiety in your Shiranian:

  • Gradually increase the amount of time they spend alone, starting with short intervals
  • Create a comfortable space for them to relax in when you are not home
  • Provide interactive toys and puzzles to engage their mind while you are away
  • Consider hiring a dog walker or enlisting the help of a friend or neighbor to interact with your dog during the day

By being aware of these common health issues and taking proactive measures, you can ensure your Shiranian maintains a healthy and happy lifestyle. Regular veterinary visits and monitoring your dog’s behavior will also aid in early detection and treatment of any potential health problems.

Grooming and Shedding

Shiranian dogs, a Pomeranian-Shih Tzu mix, are known for their thick, fluffy coats. To maintain the health and appearance of their coats, regular grooming and brushing are essential. As Shiranians have a dense coat, they require daily brushing to prevent mats and remove dead hairs.

Begin the grooming process by lightly misting the dog’s coat with a spray bottle to make it easier to work with. Then, use a line brushing technique to work through the entire coat. This involves brushing the hair in layers, starting from the skin and working outwards. If you encounter any stubborn mats, use a comb to gently break them apart.

In addition to daily brushing, it’s important to bathe your Shiranian only when necessary, using a mild soap. Occasional bathing will help keep the coat clean and shiny without stripping away natural oils.

Shedding is a natural process that varies among individual dogs and may be influenced by factors like coat type, health, and season. Shiranians, like their Pekingese ancestors, may shed moderately throughout the year. Regular brushing is an effective way to manage shedding and reduce the amount of loose hair in your home.

  • Daily brushing
  • Lightly misting the coat before brushing
  • Line brushing technique
  • Occasional bathing with mild soap
  • Using a comb for mats

By following these guidelines, you will be able to keep your Shiranian’s coat healthy and looking its best.


A Shiranian, also known as a Shih-Tzu and Pomeranian mix, thrives on a high-protein diet that closely resembles the diet of their undomesticated ancestors. Dogs’ digestive systems are still very similar to those of wolves, which is why a diet consisting mainly of meat, bones, and offal is considered most suitable for them1.

A balanced meal for a Shiranian should include a variety of protein sources from different animals. High-quality, human-grade raw meat such as beef, chicken, or turkey are preferred choices. They can also benefit from nutrient-rich organs like the liver, kidney, and heart. When including bones in the diet, it is important to stick to raw and soft bones to avoid any risks of splintering or choking.

In addition to protein, Shiranians require a small percentage of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and greens to ensure a well-rounded diet. Some healthy options to consider for these needs are:

  • Carbohydrates: Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and brown rice
  • Healthy fats: Fish oil, flaxseed oil, or coconut oil
  • Greens: Spinach, kale, or broccoli

Maintaining a healthy microbiome is crucial for a Shiranian’s long-term health2. Feeding a diet of processed dog food laden with additives, synthetics, and chemicals can upset this balance and lead to conditions such as leaky gut. To avoid this, opt for natural and organic dog food that is free from artificial preservatives and fillers.

As a Shiranian owner, it is important to monitor your dog’s overall health and adjust their diet as needed. Keep an eye on their weight, energy levels, and any changes in their coat or behavior. If you notice any signs of allergies or digestive issues, consult your veterinarian to address the specific nutritional requirements of your dog.

While Shiranians have relatively low exercise requirements3, maintaining an appropriate diet and feeding schedule is essential for their overall well-being. Remember that every dog is unique, and their nutritional needs may vary based on factors such as age, activity level, and individual metabolism. Always consult with your veterinarian to ensure the best possible diet for your beloved Shiranian.

Training and Socialization

Shiranian dogs, a cross between Shih Tzu and Pomeranian breeds, are known for their small size, loyalty, and adorable appearance. To help your Shiranian become a well-adjusted, obedient companion dog, start training and socializing early on.

Begin obedience training and socialization as early as 6-8 weeks old. At this stage, your Shiranian is still young and more open to learning, reducing the chances of developing stubborn behaviors when they mature. Remember to use a confident, knowledgeable, neutral, and clear tone of voice while training your pet.

A critical aspect of training involves teaching your Shiranian proper leash manners. This will ensure pleasant and safe walking experiences for both you and your dog. Incorporate daily walks into their routine, as Shiranians have sufficient exercise needs. However, avoid overexerting them with unnecessary strenuous physical activities.

When it comes to socialization, expose your Shiranian to various environments, people, and other animals from a young age. This will help them develop good social skills and minimize the likelihood of aggressive behavior. Socialization is an essential part of preventing your Shiranian from becoming too attached or overprotective, which could lead to undesirable watchdog characteristics.

Remember that every dog is unique, and training can progress at different rates. Be patient and consistent with your Shiranian as you work through different aspects of their training and socialization. With appropriate care and dedication, your Shiranian can grow up to be an excellent, well-rounded companion dog.


Shiranians are quite adaptable dogs, which makes them suitable for various living environments including apartments. They are not overly active dogs, but they do enjoy playtime and require a moderate amount of exercise to keep them healthy and happy. A daily walk or game of fetch will help keep their energy levels in check.

These small yet charming dogs can adjust well with friendly neighbors and have a low-prey drive, meaning that they are less likely to chase after smaller animals. While they do enjoy play, Shiranians are generally quiet dogs that won’t cause disturbances for those living nearby. This makes them a good option for people who reside in apartments or close living quarters.

Shiranians are considered low-energy dogs but do require mental stimulation in addition to their physical activities. Providing toys and engaging in interactive games can help nurture a well-rounded and content dog. Thanks to their good manners and easygoing temperament, Shiranians can be great companions for novice owners.

When considering space requirements, these compact dogs don’t require much room to feel comfortable. As long as they have a cozy spot to call their own and ample opportunities to stretch their legs, Shiranians can adapt well to both small apartments and larger homes.

Acquiring a Shiranian Dog

When considering adding a Shiranian dog to your family, it’s essential to do thorough research and find a reputable breeder or adoption organization. This mixed breed, combining the traits of a Shih Tzu and a Pomeranian, results in a friendly, sociable, and cute companion, suitable for various living environments.

Start by browsing through pictures of Shiranian dogs to familiarize yourself with their appearance and understand the range of colors they may exhibit, such as chocolate, black, red, sable, orange, multicolor, or brindle. Keep in mind, this designer dog’s size typically falls between 7 to 12 inches in height and 4 to 13 pounds in weight.

When looking for a reputable breeder, prioritize those who perform health screenings on the parent dogs. This ensures that your Shiranian puppy comes from a healthy lineage, minimizing the risk of genetic health issues. Ask to visit the breeder’s premises and meet the parent dogs, as this gives insight into the temperaments and personalities your Shiranian might inherit.

If you prefer adoption, reach out to local shelters and rescue organizations, particularly those focusing on Shih Tzus, Pomeranians, or small dog breeds. When adopting, be aware that the dog’s history might be unknown, so patience and understanding are crucial in helping your new pet adjust to its forever home.

It’s worth noting that Shiranian dogs are not the same as Labrador Retrievers, which are a larger and more energetic breed. So, when acquiring a Shiranian, ensure you’re prepared to meet the energy and exercise needs of this particular smaller breed, which is typically less demanding than that of a Labrador Retriever.

Lastly, be prepared for the commitment involved in caring for a Shiranian dog. With lifespans ranging from 12 to 16 years, ownership demands time, effort, and dedication to provide your new furry family member a happy and healthy life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Shiranian dogs shed?

Shiranian dogs have a double coat, with a thick, insulating undercoat and long hairs on the topcoat. While they do shed, it is generally not excessive. Regular grooming is essential to minimize shedding and maintain a healthy coat.

Are Shiranian dogs hypoallergenic?

Shiranians are not considered hypoallergenic. However, they produce less dander compared to other breeds, which might make them a suitable companion for individuals with allergies. Grooming the dog regularly can further reduce allergen levels.

What is the lifespan of a Shiranian dog?

Shiranians typically have a lifespan of around 12 to 15 years. This timeframe can be influenced by factors such as genetics, health, nutrition, and the quality of care they receive throughout their life.

Are Shiranians aggressive?

Shiranians are typically friendly and good-natured dogs. They are social animals that enjoy being around people. However, like any breed, they can become aggressive if not properly trained and socialized from an early age. Early obedience training and positive reinforcement techniques help ensure a well-behaved, sociable pet.

Are Shiranians good pets?

Yes, Shiranians can make great pets, as they are affectionate, friendly, and well-suited to various living situations. They thrive in a loving environment and enjoy being part of a family. Their smaller size makes them suitable for apartment living, but they still require daily exercise to remain healthy and happy.

How much do Shiranians typically cost?

The cost of a Shiranian puppy can vary, depending on factors like the breeders’ location, reputation, and availability. Generally, prices may range from $500 to $1,500 or more. Keep in mind that the initial cost to purchase a puppy is just the beginning, as ongoing expenses like food, grooming, vet care, and training are important considerations when deciding to own any dog.


  1. Shiranian Feeding Guide | Dog Feeding Guide | ProDog Raw

  2. Shiranian (Shih-Tzu & Pomeranian Mix) Dog Breed: Info, Pics, Care …

  3. Complete Care Guide for Shiranians » Info, Tips, & More – Dog Learn

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